I kind of solve the case regarding this thread >> https://community.appeon.com/index.php/qna/q-a/upload-files-to-a-web-service
The solution I found was to split the file in parts of 1MB (Byte array supports this number of rows). Then, this parts are sent to the Web Service and then it puts all them together again.
In the client
err = f_read_file ( "test.zip" , lbyte_part_1[] , lbyte_part_2[] , lbyte_part_3[] )
In the WS
lbl_file = abl_part_1
If Len ( abl_part_2 ) <> 0 Then lbl_file += abl_part_2
If Len ( abl_part_3 ) <> 0 Then lbl_file += abl_part_3
err = f_write_file ( "receive.zip" , lbl_file )
I just wanted to share it.
Julián Tagarro
NeoSistemas SRL