Hi David;
The "over-ride" approach would work but .. you would have to over-ride the DW Control Print() method in every DC where its used. Then there is the question of the low level print command usage as well. Not to mention the ALT+PrintScreen or just PrintScreen aspects as well that can capture your PB Apps data for printing.
The problem sounds simple, but to do a proper job - it may require bits of coding in various places to really curtail this activity. All the way from disabling menu print items, capturing keyboard print activity, changing the default printer to a "Dummy" make sure nothing prints, etc.
I have done this before in a few Apps here in Canada where the Government App security (either Protected "B" or Protected "C") is required. Its certainly can be a bit of a challenge to not only shut down printing but also screen capture, export, CTRL+C, etc. The problem even gets more compounded in PowerServer where the App is webified. Now you also have to deal with the browser aspects as well.
Building a secure App is much easier when you design for it. Unfortunately, retrofitting for security will probably involve some refactoring in various areas of your App.
Regards ... Chris