Currently the only option to use Git in PB17 is to have git server set up for http or https. What about internal ssh accessible server? Is it going to be supported or anyone have tried to make it work through ssh?
Currently the only option to use Git in PB17 is to have git server set up for http or https. What about internal ssh accessible server? Is it going to be supported or anyone have tried to make it work through ssh?
1. From your avatar in the bottom left, click Personal settings.
2. Click App passwords under Access management.
3. Click Create app password.
4. Give the app password a name related to the application that will use the password.
5. Select the specific access and permissions you want this application password to have.
6. Copy the generated password and either record or paste it into the application you want to give access. The password is only displayed this one time.
On PowerBuilder IDE
Follow the instructions below to connect to the workspace:
Note: Don’t put your email address in PowerBuilder IDE for the user ID. You user ID is the part in your repository URL that uniquely identify you from other Bitbucket users.
Although BitBucket does not support basic authentication (user name and password), there is still one option: log in using your user name + personal access token.
Best regards, Julie
* basic authentication is not supported since 01/03
* SSH works unchanged, and you can use this with Git commandlne or Tortoise Git. In this case, you can clone the repository and open the workspace from PB. You can change and commit - just you can't push/pull
* to integrate with PB you need to:
1) use the clone HTTPS (not SSH)
2) put your userid (not email) as User ID (you can check your user ID in your profile's settings)
3) put as Password/Token the Application password created as described above by Tom
AFAIK, the Password Access Token is not any longer supported in Bitbucket cloud. But there is no need to use it.
Thanks everybody for the help!