Hi, Andrew -
Well, I had some free time recently while getting acquainted with and enjoying my newborn grandson, so I created a non-visual object (NVO) that implements the ASCII Folding Filter functionality. It was developed using PB 2017. A Zip file containing the pbl, workspace and target is attached.
The app is a very simple, single-window application that illustrates how the of_FoldToASCII function in the NVO can be used.
Please Note: My conversion of the Lucene.Net class definition is not designed or intended for mass filtering of large amounts of Unicode text.
It performs the same translation coded in the Apache/Lucene.Net class. You supply an input string, a starting position and the length (number of characters) to be examined, similar arguments as the PowerScript Mid function. The translated input string is returned. There are two alternative versions of the of_FoldToASCII function (overrides) with fewer arguments.
I hope you find the NVO and the sample application helpful. Enjoy!