I also had an issue with running the EXE I created.
The first error I received after double-clicking on the EXE was some gobbeltygook that I had no idea what was meant. I then did a full rebuild and tried again and got "Issue loading PBVM.DLL".
THe issue turned out to be a bad copy of the PBVM.DLL. I deleted that file from the EXE folder (all our DLLs and PBLs are in the same folder), then copied the PBVM.DLL from the RUNTIMES folder into the EXE folder. THat solved the issue.
Later -
The error also occurred on our VM with Pb2019 R3 2670. After a deploy in the IDS the program ran without errors 11: 10h - 12: 51h on a clean Windows2019 server (Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.1637]) (bug 6172).
Regards Rudi
/d "t:\indiv\rf\pb2019\topstar\ctrl\mona_ftpr_ctrl.pbt" /o "t:\indiv\rf\pb2019\topstar\ctrl\mona_ftpr_ctrl.exe" /r "t:\Entwicklung\res.pbr" /w n /f /m n /x 32 /bg y /p "PowerBuilder Enterprise Series" /cp "Appeon" /de "Appeon Product File" /v "" /vn "" /fv "" /fvn "" /ge 0 /pd yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy /rt
I am confused by your last reply ... did the App eventually deploy & run OK?
Regards ... Chris
yes, if we have deployed it in the IDE. It then ran for 2 hours. thousands of transactions
Regards Rudi