Hi Thierry,
It is not supported to use the RibbonMenuItem object in the GetItemByTag function in RibbonBar controls.
You can refer to the following link.
But I will record it as a new enhancement / requirement request and will transfer it to our product team for consideration.
BTW, you can work it around via the following code example:
String ls_menuTag, ls_text, ls_tag
Integer li_Return
Long ll_i
RibbonMenuItem lr_MenuItem
RibbonMenu lr_menu
RibbonLargeButtonItem lr_LargeButton
li_Return = rbb_1.GetItemByTag ("LargeButtonTag", lr_LargeButton)
li_Return = rbb_1.getmenubybuttonhandle( lr_LargeButton.itemhandle , lr_menu)
If lr_menu.getitemcount( ) > 0 Then
For ll_i = 1 To lr_menu.getitemcount( )
lr_menu.getitem( ll_i, lr_MenuItem)
ls_text = lr_MenuItem.text
ls_tag = lr_MenuItem.tag
End If
I know this point of the documentation and I thank you for creating an evolution request.
In my case I only know the Tag of the menu and not the Tag of the button.
I am looking for an elegant solution but if I have no choice I will memorize the Tag of the button to find the menu.
I fully understand your situation. And I will transfer your thought to our product team for consideration.