Hi! We're deploying PB 2022 Build 1892. I came across a situation yesterday that confuses me. Here's the code:
lrc_rest = create RESTClient
lrc_rest.SecureProtocol = SECURE_PROTOCOL_TLS1_2
lrc_rest.Timeout = 10
ls_get = 'XMLData=<root><DataAction action="About 160 bytes"/></root>'
ll_ret = lrc_rest.sendGetrequest(is_url + ls_get, ls_message)
ll_response_code = lrc_rest.getResponseStatusCode( )
If ll_ret = 1 Then // Successful call
If ll_response_code = 200 Then // Good call out to service
// Do stuff
Else // Got a response other than 200, but a successful call
// Store stuff
End If
Else // Unsuccessful call
// Store stuff
End If
We found that the client had locked down their network so much that the call to the URL couldn't be made. Our application just hung at sendGetRequest. They said they let it sit there at one point for 30 minutes. We always had to kill the application. I plugged the URL into MSEdge and even that product took several minutes before it popped up with a failure message.
Once we got the client to whitelist the URL, our application returned to normal processing.
I guess what I'm looking for is - why didn't the Timeout work? How can we prevent this from happening in the future?