We would like to know if there is any recommended/max number of sessions per server with PowerServer Web APIs deployed.
Servers configured under load balancer.
The deployed solution consists of chatty applications.
Below is the configuration of server:
Windows Server 2019 Standard 64 bit
2 Processors(2 cores) each at 3 GHz
We agree since it depends on various factors.
Providing an overview of our solution:
Our apps were written way back and sort of legacy applications based on client/server architecture.
All database related activities are being carried out by stored procedures. We are using Sybase ASE 16.
Regarding servers, we have deployed new servers specifically for this purpose which will run only PowerServer APIs.
These servers are hosted in private datacenters and average network latency from outside network are pretty much within acceptable range.
We also performed load testing using Load Runner on servers at the rate of minimum 100 session requests/user/hour(this number is variable as the test included multiple users with multiple transactions) and got satisfactory results. This test was performed using one server and we have 2 servers under load balancer.
Hope we are able to provide some solution insights.