Has anyone successfully managed to receive string data sent from a C# application using SendMessage?
We have a small starter program written in C# which is triggered from a website.
This starter program will do some small work and pass a string (perhaps XML) to a running PowerBuilder 2017 application (32-bit).
This is the C# code:
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = "SendMessageA", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
internal static extern Int32 SendMessageAnsiPtr(IntPtr hWnd, uint Msg, Int32 wParam, IntPtr lParam);
ptr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi("Hello World");
SendMessageAnsiPtr(proc.MainWindowHandle, 0x429, 11, ptr); //11 is the length of the string hardcoded for testing
Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr); //freee the memory to avoid memory leak
This triggers an event in PB mapped to the pbm_custom42 eventhandler.
It receives a pointer to the string, and I've tried this:
string ls_result
I tried these changes to my C# and PB code, but still I sometimes receive rubbish and every now and then PB crashes.
I've been thinking about using the WM_COPYDATA in SendMessage(), but I cannot seem to trap the message in any event i PB.
I've tried to listen to Message.Number = 74 in the "other" (pbm_other) event, but it never fires.
So it looks like we have to use another approach, like the registry.
The PBM_Custom01 ... PBM_Custom75 are the right events to use. They match WM_User ... (WM_User + 74) where WM_User = 1024 as I recall.
"Sometimes rubbish" worries me. To me it sounds like PB is trying to read from memory outside the PBVM which means it is inherently volatile and unsafe.
An idea: Is it possible to create a "dialogue" between the two components?
C# calls SendMessage( ) to notify PB.
PB calls a GetMyGreatData( ) function exposed by your C# component which returns the string of interest.
If the string is the function's return datatype PB should allocate it in PBVM's realm. Instead, if string is a pass-by-ref parameter, then you need to preallocate in PB before calling the function. This is where Space(wParam) to allocate a string of specific length is important.
HTH /Michael
That is a good idea.
However, the application which uses "Sendmessage" is just a small console application, started from a protocol handler located in the registry.
It starts when the user clicks on a link on a webpage (just like with ex. iTunes).
So I don't think I can expose a public function in a console application, but I will try.