PB 2017 R3
Got one datawindow [dw_1] with one field, and a sle_1 on a window.
Need to move from dw_1 to sle_1 using enter [also]. Added the following code in pbm_dwnprocessenter event
Send(Handle(This), 256,9, Long(0,0))
Return 1
In sle_1 also, I need to process capture and process enter key. Added the following code in an pbm_keyup event.
String ls_text
ls_text = Upper(Text)
If Key = KeyEnter! Then
Messagebox('in', 'ue_enter')
Messagebox('entered', ls_text)
End If
Now, if I press enter while in dw_1 datawindow, I get the messagebox written in sle_1 field. Why ?
Changed pbm_keyup to pbm_keydown in sle_1. Effect is I could not get the last pressed key in ls_text variable. Say if the user pressed 'NICE', ls_text contains 'NIC' only.
How can I get the both feature, ie allow enter key in dw_1, as well as to get full entered text in sle_1.
Happiness Always
BKR Sivaprakash