I imported Bruce Armstrong qrcodegenerator dll into my pb 2023R3 application and it worked fine.
I created a function that takes a string text and return a Blob using the same code that Mr. Armstrong used in the demo.
It worked fine if i have a picture control in a window.
When i have a picture control in a datawindow it does not work.
Can someone please help me on how i can do this.
This is crucial to our application as it generates labels and we use datawindows to make these labels
Thank You
Malek Taha
ls_base64 = inv_generator.of_generateqrcode( "This_is_a_testQR" )
co = create CoderObject
lblb_qrcode = co.base64decode(ls_base64)
destroy co
p_1.setpicture( lblb_qrcode ) // this worked
dw_1.object.p_1.setpicture( lblb_qrcode) // This does not work