Hi Mike,
Forgive me if I'm misunderstanding the question and please correct me if I'm wrong:
What you want to do is get the connection configuration that PowerServer is using for the configuration tables?
In PowerBuilder: you could create your own endpoint that returns the contents of the AppConfig.json file (where you placed the database configuration for these tables).
In C# (Inside PowerServer itself): You can read the AppConfig.json file yourself by doing:
var appConfig = new ConfigurationBuilder()
var connectionString = appConfig.GetSection("ConnectionStrings")["AppConfig"];
// connectionString contains the connection string you input in that file
using var dataContext = new DefaultDataContext(connectionString);
var executor = dataContext.SqlExecutor;
var connection = executor.Select<dynamic>("{SQL Query to access the data you want}")
if (connection != null)
// connection.<column names>;
in an place that gets executed when you configure JWT
Hope this helps.