1. Moises Mescua
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Friday, 18 December 2020 20:03 PM UTC

Hi Appeon team,

I have some issues with the command PrintOpen() at EA Server, the following commands works perfect from my local machine (isolated testing):

long ll_Job

ll_Job = PrintOpen( )

PrintDataWindow( ll_Job, dw_1 )
PrintDataWindow( ll_Job, dw_2 )

PrintClose( ll_Job )

But, when those codes are sent to EA Server v5.5, do not work; the job printing is not sent to the Printer.

Please let me know if you have any ideas how fix this issue. Thank you.

Accepted Answer
Armeen Mazda @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Saturday, 19 December 2020 00:25 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # Permalink

EAServer was discontinued long time ago by SAP.  If it works on your local EAServer but not Production server then it is Windows Server OS compatibility issue or configuration issue.

You should convert your EAServer NVOs to C# REST APIs using the PowerScript Migrator and do the printing on the client side instead of the server.  https://youtu.be/khedLwZiW5o

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