Hi Gimmy,
CoderObject and HttpClient already provide all the necessary for authenticating against SharePoint and perform operations, for example get items and upload files.
A mockup for authentication:
// Build authorization in Base64
ls_auth = coderObject.Base64Encode(Blob("username:password", EncodingANSI!))
// Set headers
httpClient.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + ls_auth)
// etc....
// Send authentication request (check your SP URL)
li_rc = httpClient.SendRequest("POST", "http://sharepoint_server/sites/doc/_api/contextinfo")
// obtain the response data
if li_rc = 1 AND inv_HttpClient.GetResponseStatusCode() = 200 Then
// GetResponseBody and parse Json to get, for example, GetContextWebInformation, FormDigestValue, etc...
If you want to get SP's items, send a GET to http://sharepoint_server/sites/doc/_api/lists
If you want to upload files, send POST to SP's folder, e.g. http://sharepoint_server/sites/doc/prev/cf/_api/web/lists/getbytitle
and so on...