I've installed and configured PowerBuilder 2019 GA trial version properly and created a C# project. When doing migration with C# Model Generator for converting existing DataWindows to .Net DataStore, I had this issues : Error: ORA-00904:”C”.”IDENTIFY_COLUMN”:invalid identifier.
I'm wondering if someone got the same issue before. I reviewed the DataWindows Oracle PL/SQL SELECT statement and they seem ok.
Thank you for your help.
We've finally installed Oracle 12c and generated all DataWindows used in our application without any error.
Now, we would like to ask the same question as above because only DataWindows are migrated as DataStores in SnapDevelop. What about others PowerBuilder's objects like menus, Windows, non visual objects, …
Armeen asked to do copy 'n paste for template project create with department class. Please can he be more explicit? We're using a PB 2019 trial version and without a satisfying proof of concept, it should be difficult to move on.
Thank you for any assistance.
PB2019 w/ SnapDevelop only supports DWO's via its new "container" the ModelStore. No other PB object classes are supported in this C# release.
FYI: https://www.appeon.com/developers/roadmap
Regards ... Chris
Is that means it isn't possible to migrate our PB app to C# now as no other PB object are supported in this C# release?
If it's the case please let me know because I've spent a lot of time on that.
Thank you.