1) Create a new application target in PB10.2 in a different folder as where your migrated one is.
Use a new application, no template. Give that application the same name as the one you migrated.
2) Rename the "old", migrated to 2019 pbl where you application is: If your application was let's say "app.pbl" just make it "app2.pbl". Add all you "old" migrated libraries to the new pb10 target's library list, including the renamed pbl (eg."app2.pbl")
3) from the library painter, copy the objects of the renamed "app2.pbl" to the new "app.pbl" which you made in pb10.2.
4) unhook the app2.pbl from the library list (by editing the library list and removing the "app2.pbl")
5) do a full build of everything
If you have modified datawindows after having them migrated to 2019, the "release" info in their exported code will be "release 19". You will have to change that by exporting, editing and importing. Also there will be certain new attributes of the 2019 datawindows which did not exist at the time of 10.2. You will also have to delete those manually.
I you only migrated and did not change datawindows, then probably the old release info has not been changed.
like by downloading from source control or as such ?