Hi PB users,
As PostgreSql support was announced for 2017R2, we study the possibility to implement a PostgreSql compatibility for our PB application which is connected to Oracle for now.
We would like to keep Both Oracle and PostgreSql compatibility with the same sources code/datawindow except for the specifics parts to each system.
Historically the application was Oracle, Watcom and Sybase compatible and we have abandoned these features in favor of Oracle, so we expect to apply the same principles for PostgreSql.
Do you think it's possible?
We know we have to duplicate embedded SQL. But what about datawindow? If the SQL contains some (+) for joins for example? Is it to convert too?
And what about columns definition? Is it possible to build an Oracle/PostgreSql datawindow compatible?
Do you know of a migration that has already been successfully completed?
Thank you in advance for your ideas.
Best regards,