I`an trying add Oauth server to my app Powerserver in 2022 Runtime 1892 version, (yesterday upgrade to this runtime, i´m up to date with updates)
But after build&Deploy can`t see in Snapdevelop in folder authentication, the folder IdentityServer4 (either his corresponding dependencies from nuget package) as the application did with 2021.
in Powerserver painter, .NET Server, Advance tab, Auth template: choose "Use built-in Oauth server".
It also does not appear in the list of runtime files (Client app) that appeared in PB2021
following int the footstep of https://docs.appeon.com/pb/release_bulletin_for_pb/Build-1892-Upgrade_Notes.html
i noticed that in Snapdevelop powerserver.Api is up to date, but Powerserver.Core is missing
Could I have skipped a previous step? Thanks a lot
Please remember to modify the PowerBuilder client app manually. Refer to https://docs.appeon.com/ps2022/OAuth_client_app.html
If you can duplicate this issue, please report it via our support ticketing system to ensure it is being correctly received by our tech support and tracked at: https://www.appeon.com/standardsupport/
Regards, Logan