1. Anna Uden
  2. PowerServer 2020 or older (Obsolete)
  3. Friday, 20 April 2018 13:16 PM UTC

I have my application upgraded to PB 17 Build 1756.  Works great so far as a desktop application connecting to MS SQL Server 2016 using the SNC SQL Native Client driver. 

I deployed it to the PowerServer Web successfully and am able to retrieve data from the database.  However, if the timestamp column is included in the result set, no rows are returned to datawindows.  Just returns 0 rows and no errors.  

Is this because the reselectrow function is not supported?




Appeon Support Team Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Monday, 23 April 2018 00:40 AM UTC
  2. PowerServer 2020 or older (Obsolete)
  3. # 1

Hi Anna,

Yes, the DataWindow ReselectRow method is unsupported.

Workaround #1

If the DataWindow's source table has a primary key, to work around this issue, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Use GetItem() to get the value of the primary column in the current row.

Step 2: Use SQL statement to retrieve data for the current row according to the value of the primary key.

Step 3: Use SetItem() to assign values to each column in the current row.

Step 4: Change the status of the current row to "NotModified!"

Workaround #2

Replace the ReselectRow function with the Retrieve function.

If there is still the issue, please provide a simple PB case to reproduce it to us for more study, thanks.


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Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 20 April 2018 14:20 PM UTC
  2. PowerServer 2020 or older (Obsolete)
  3. # 2

Hi Anna;

  Did you declare the connection mechanism to your SS2016 DB in PowerServer's Data Source as MS SS Native Driver ?

Regards ... Chris

  1. Anna Uden
  2. Friday, 20 April 2018 18:53 PM UTC
Yes.  It has the MS SQL Server Native Driver




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