The following code cannot move a computed field to the BR corner precisely.
long NewDetailHeight, PrintWidth &
, CustomPageLength = 297 /*millimeters*/ &
, CustomPageWidth = 210 /*millimeters*/ &
NewDetailHeight= CustomPageWidth*100 -long(dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Print.Margin.Top) - long(dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Print.Margin.Bottom)
PrintWidth = CustomPageLength*100 - long(dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Print.Margin.Left) - long(dw_1.Object.DataWindow.Print.Margin.Right)
// Change the following adjustment offset to 1 will achieve the correct effect in the preview, but printer RICOH Afficio MP C3002 still complains about incorrect paper size settings
long adjustOffset = 0 // 1
string ms
ms = " DataWindow.Print.Preview=yes DataWindow.Print.Orientation=1 " &
+ " DataWindow.Print.Paper.Size=256 DataWindow.Print.CustomPage.Length=" + string(CustomPageLength) + " DataWindow.Print.CustomPage.Width=" &
+ string(CustomPageWidth) + " DataWindow.Detail.Height=" + string(NewDetailHeight - adjustOffset)
ms += "compute_2.X=" + string(PrintWidth - long(dw_1.Object.compute_2.width) - adjustOffset * 100)
ms += "compute_2.Y=" + string(NewDetailHeight - long(dw_1.Object.compute_2.height) - adjustOffset * 100)
dw_1.modify(ms) event clicked()
It seems there is a surplus blank page following the data page in preview mode. If press the insert button in my APP attached here more times, more surplus blank pages will appear. Beside this, a paper size error is also reported on my printer.
An adjustment offset was introduced in line 9 of my code. If I change it to 1, the right preview effect will be rendered but the printer still complains a wrong paper size error.
I am wondering if the adjustment offset should be introduced. If so, what value is suitable for all situations for different print orientation modes and different page sizes?