Hi everyone,
We have an MLE that have a custom event ue_paste that ID=pbm_paste that has been working for many years in client-server. When we run it on the web it does not fire the ue_paste event.
We build our web application in Powerbuilder 2017 R3 1880, and we are running on Windows 10.
Best Regards,
Oscar Naranjo
My UE is actually called "oe_paste" and its fired from either a main menu (Edit => Paste) or a CTRL+V as assigned also through the menu.
Base Ancestor Menu Code ...
ParentWindow.Post Event Dynamic oe_paste ( ) // Send PASTE Msg!
Base Ancestor Window code ...
GraphicObject lo_go // Object Pointer!
lo_go = GetFocus () // Get Current Object
IF IsValid ( lo_go) THEN // Instantiated OK?
lo_go.Post Dynamic event oe_Paste ( ) // YES=>Send PASTE Msg 2 control!
Base Ancestor Control (for example a DW Control) ...
THIS.Paste () // Paste from Clipboard!
Note1: If a control type does not support a PASTE() command. Use - THIS.Text = Clipboard()
Note2: The above works in PB Native, PS Web and PS Mobile Apps!
Note3: Any Pop-up Menu(s) also fire the "oe_paste" on the control that instantiated them. Then the local control's implementation takes over immediately.
Note4: CTRL+V always works based on the above design no matter what. ;-).
Regards ... Chris