I broke out some of the functionality of the pfc resize service into a basic non pfc service. Shoot me a reply if you want some sample code on how to use it. I basically set it up as an instance var on my ancestor window with an of_setresize(boolean) function to instantiate it. Then you basically register every object on the window that you want to resize. Then in the resize event of that base window, you just call the pfc_resize event on the service (if it's valid/instantiated). Registering the objects is easy, just call the of_register function passing the object and the way you want it to resize, for example inv_resize(dw_1, inv_resize.scalerightbottom). Don't forget to destroy the service object on close or call of_setresize(FALSE) on the window - obviously you'd have to put code in that window function to create the object if true and destroy it if false and valid.
These objects are 2017R3, so if they don't import for R2, let me know and I'll export from my 12.5 version. Import the n_resizeattrib first.