Hello All,
We are moving a PB11.5 Application to PB2017 Under Appeon Universal
in the mailLogon we recieved a mailReturnLoginFailure! both in Client/Server and Web App in the development Machine (With PB Installed)
we found in the documentation that the following line must be included in the PB.INI
[PB] UseSimpleMAPI=yes
After adding the line and restarting PB and the Web APP the Issue was solved in both enviroments
My question is what i need to do in the client machines (Web Application only) to make it work.
I Small test with this code:
MailSession mail_ses
MailReturnCode mail_ret
MailMessage mail_msg
mailFileDescription mAttach
mail_ses = Create MailSession
mail_ret = mail_ses.MailLogon ( mailNewSession! )
choose case mail_ret
case mailReturnSuccess!
case mailReturnFailure!
case mailReturnLoginFailure!
case mailReturnInsufficientMemory!
case mailReturnUserAbort!
case else
messagebox("error","Otro error")
end choose
mail_msg.Subject = 'Extracto Caja Médica'
mail_msg.NoteText = 'TEST'
mail_msg.ReceiptRequested = false
mail_msg.MessageSent = false
mail_msg.Recipient[1].address = "slachevsky@gmail.com"
mail_msg.Recipient[1].name ='ANDRES S'
mail_msg.Recipient[1].RecipientType = MailTo!
mail_ret = mail_ses.MailSend (mail_msg)
choose case mail_ret
case mailReturnSuccess!
case mailReturnFailure!
case mailReturnLoginFailure!
case mailReturnInsufficientMemory!
case mailReturnUserAbort!
case else
messagebox("error","Otro error")
end choose
mail_ses.MailLogoff ()
Any advice
For PowerServer Mobile applications however, you need to use the AWS (Appeon Work Space) object's "mail" functions instead (eon_mobile_awsex). For example: aws.of_sendmail (lstr_content, ls_recipient, ls_cc, ls_bcc, ls_attachmentfile)
For the Mail enabled Web App(s) - have you tried this feature in various web browsers like IE, Chrome, FF, etc?
I will ask them to try in other server.
i will try to deploy the PB.INI maybe it also can help