I wonder if it's possible to load a blob into a richtextedit control At the moment we're using the activex version of the tx text control (so not the richtextedit control but an olecontrol based on the activex tx4ole30.ocx), in which we can use the loadfrommemory and savetomemory functions that are defined on that activex.We save our documents as a text column into a database table. With selectblob we get the contents back and can load it into the text control with the loadfrommemory function.
It seems those two functions are not implemented in the version that's integrated into powerbuilder. Is this correct or am i missing the appropriate functions (I'm afraid not).
Regards, Aart
Then have a new RTE control (pb format) and use InsertDocument()..
If you'd have to convert a lot of data, I'd recommend to do some testing with it first.
I don't know which PB version you are using, but over the last 4/5 years we've gone through all of the different versions Appeon had to offer and not a single one was really bug free. There's new hope for the latest version in pb2022 r2, but already, pasted images, when saved as html, are a bit "blurry" and we still haven't fully test it. (staying on 2019 for now).
BTW: you did NOT say you were saving in format 3, until you told me that "you already told me you were saving in format 3". Maybe I'm going blind
As for you going blind, lol, no I think you still have your eyesight. While Aart did previously mention using the internal format, which IS format 3, that was the first time he used "format number 3" and "internal format" together in the same reply ;)