Hi All,
I'm having some issues with a Powerserver 2022 app that if left open at the end of the day seems to close spontaneously leaving the program running as a task in the background (which could possibly be a sperate thread we create for a certain task). This prevents them from opening it the next mroning because the updater says that the program directory is in use. This is a bit a support nightmare obviously. Especially currently while we're doing new code updates every week.
Should the app be able to stay open over many days or is that not good?
Is the connection tolerant to internet outages and brownouts?
And what about apps that are open when we update the server with new code? It seems to cause them to crash from my experience.
Thanks in advance,
I have implemented the above IDLE feature in my STD framework and it works great - even for older C/S Apps and the older Appeon Web and Appeon Mobile products as well as PS Apps.
Another alternative is to implement a "Heart Beat" feature to keep all these sessions active. AKA "Keep Alive" feature. I have also implemented this as well in my STD framework since 2018. That also corrects this situation for C/S, PowerClient and PowerServer Apps.
FYI: http://chrispollach.blogspot.com/2018/02/ifc2018r1.html