1. Ong Chin Keat
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Tuesday, 11 June 2024 02:26 AM UTC
	"submissionUid": "CNWRXZESJEZ1YQC3E7T8G20J10",
	"acceptedDocuments": [
			"uuid": "H2YRP9VQXFB4ZFHDE7T8G20J10",
			"invoiceCodeNumber": "9112450011"
	"rejectedDocuments": []

hi all,

I'm calling an API and return above result. However, if using jsonpackage, loadstring and getvalue, it will not get "uuid" and "invoiceCodeNumber" value due to exist of barcket [....]. How can overcome this issue? My script as below :  


lnv_pack1 = create jsonpackage
lnv_pack2 = create jsonpackage
//Load the JSON string via jsonpackage
lnv_pack1.loadstring(ls_string)     //as return result shown above
//Get the JSON string under key=batters
ls_sid = lnv_pack1.getvalue("submissionUid")
ls_value = lnv_pack1.getvalue("acceptedDocuments")
//Load the new JSON string via jsonpackage
lnv_pack2.loadstring( ls_value)
ls_uuid = lnv_pack2.getvalue("uuid")               // cannot get 
ls_inv = lnv_pack2.getvalue("invoiceCodeNumber")   // cannot get 

Please help.





Accepted Answer
René Ullrich Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 11 June 2024 05:50 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # Permalink

Hi DevOng,

I think your can't do it with JsonPackage object.

The problem is that the json string you get for acceptedDocuments is a json array. You can't directly import it with LoadString because this json string has no root.


For parsing Json it is better to use the JsonParser.

Here is a short example:

lnv_parser = create jsonparser

//Load the JSON string via jsonparser
//Get handle for the JSON Array for acceptedDocuments
ll_docsarray = lnv_parser.getitemarray("/acceptedDocuments")

//get handle for the first item of Json array
ll_arrayitem = lnv_parser.getchilditem(ll_docsarray, 1)

// get the uuid value from the first item
ls_uuid = lnv_parser.getitemstring(ll_arrayitem, "uuid")



  1. Ong Chin Keat
  2. Tuesday, 11 June 2024 10:55 AM UTC
hi Rene,

Noted, it's work. thanks a lot.
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