Giuseppe moglia, Its a BAPI.
Here is my script.
oleobject iole_bapi, iole_connection
boolean lb_success = false
integer li_rc
// create the bapi
if not isvalid(iole_bapi) then
iole_bapi = CREATE OLEObject
li_rc = iole_bapi.ConnectToNewObject("sap.bapi.1")
end if
// check return code
// -2 Class name not found
// -3 Object could not be created
// -4 Could not connect to object
// -9 Other error
// -15 MTS is not loaded on this computer
// -16 Invalid Call: this function not applicable
if li_rc < 0 then
MessageBox("SAP Connect Failure","Unable to connect to SAP. " + &
"Please verify that SAP is installed on this machine.~r~n" + &
"The return code is: " + string(li_rc))
return false
end if
// create the connection object
if not isvalid(iole_connection) then
iole_connection = CREATE OLEObject
iole_connection = iole_bapi.Connection()
end if
long ll_row
ll_row = dw_1.Getrow()
iole_connection.client = trim(dw_1.Object.client_id[ll_row])
iole_connection.user = trim(dw_1.Object.user_name[ll_row])
iole_connection.language = trim(dw_1.Object.appl_lang[ll_row])
iole_connection.password =trim(dw_1.Object.user_pass[ll_row])
iole_connection.applicationserver = trim(dw_1.Object.app_server[ll_row])
iole_connection.systemnumber = trim(dw_1.Object.sys_num[ll_row])
// logon now (silently)
lb_success = iole_connection.logon(0, FALSE)
// set instance
if lb_success then
ib_connected = true
ib_connected = false
end if
if ib_connected = true then
OLEObject pbobject, bo_sap
// set o_sap oleobject
bo_sap = iole_bapi.GetSAPObject("ZBUSMAT01")
oleobject omaterials, omat_list, sapreturn
// These look good too! I don't know Sales Order much but you got the right idea.
omaterials = iole_bapi.DimAs(bo_sap,"ZbapiMaterials","Material")
omat_list = iole_bapi.DimAs(bo_sap,"ZbapiMaterials","MaterialDetails")
sapreturn = iole_bapi.DimAs(bo_sap,"ZbapiMaterials","Return")
omaterials.Value[1] = "373.172"
// Script is successfully executing till this line and PB comes out in next line
bo_sap.ZbapiMaterials(omaterials, omat_list, sapreturn )
if sapreturn.TYPE = "E" then
Messagebox("Error","Message - Error",STOPSIGN!)
Messagebox("Information","Material List Executed")
end if
end if
Shall I put the screen shot of all the BAPI components involved. If I am wrong, let me know What is BAPI API reference to provide the same.
Could you send me so I can take a look into?