Using PB 2017 SP3 Build 1880
[in a computed column in a datawindow]
I need to display a computed column with amount in Indian Format [ ##,##,##,##0.00 ] (See the comma). When I create the expression as
namecolumn + ' (' + String(groupbalance, '##,##,##,##0.00') + ')'
what I get is Income (987,654,321.90) instead of Income (98,76,54,321.90).
Anything should I do to display it correctly ?
Happiness Always
BKR Sivaprakash
I suspect that Sivaprakash's display mask issues are related to his App user's "Regional Settings" and no specific localized PB run-time files for that language. If that is the case. maybe the best solution is to build a Global Function that processes these unique "display/Edit" masks the way the App user's want it?
Regards ... Chris