I'm on PB2017 R3 and I'm getting the same funny text, doing something similar to what Ravi has repported.
This seems to happen when I select all text and delete it.
Then I save and when I retrieve again, this text is in the rte: ogrowautofitofeaturethrottle1
I'm using an non Unicode SQLanywhere database and "STD Tool & Die classes" for this and in the log file I find:
2019/01/24 14:43:07 - UPDATE "dba"."ci_customer" SET "technical_info" = '{\rtf1\sstecf25000\ansi\deflang2057\ftnbj\uc1\deff0 {\fonttbl{\f0 \fswiss Arial;}{\f1 \fswiss Tahoma;}{\f2 \fswiss \fcharset0 Arial;}} {\colortbl ;\red255\green255\blue255 ;\red0\green0\blue0 ;} {\stylesheet{\f0\fs24 Normal;}{\cs1 Default Paragraph Font;}} {\*\revtbl{Unknown;}} \paperw12240\paperh15840\margl0\margr0\margt0\margb0\headery720\footery720\nogrowautofit\deftab720\formshade\nofeaturethrottle1\dntblnsbdb\fet4\aendnotes\aftnnrlc\pgbrdrhead\pgbrdrfoot \sectd\pgwsxn11905\pghsxn16838\guttersxn0\marglsxn0\margrsxn0\margtsxn0\margbsxn0\headery720\footery720\sbkpage\pgncont\pgndec \plain\plain\f0\fs24\ql\plain\f2\fs24 } ' WHERE "id" = 8 AND "technical_info" = ''
etc .......
So something is definitely failing
The fact that Appeon keeps telling us that the bugs on the "new" RTE control are being "solved" by going back to use the "old" one (thank god finally available now) gives me the very strong impression that the new control is never ever going to be fixed.
If I'm right, I think Appeon should start warning their users to NOT use the new control and take it out of any future Appeon releases, just to avoid later disappointments .
My 2cts.
Hi Miguel, it's not that none of the bugs would be fixed in the new RTF, but there are a number of behavior and feature differences that many people on this Q&A are labeling as "bugs". The behavior and feature differences are inherent to the implementation of the new third-party control and since it is a third-party product we do not have control over that. So for this reason we are providing two different third-party options for free, and you always have the option to purchase some other third-party solution and embed that into PowerBuilder. But the two options we provide are probably going to be within the top 5 choices on the market that supports COM.