1. Aaron D'Hooghe
  2. SnapDevelop
  3. Thursday, 2 February 2023 14:57 PM UTC



I'm using a datastore to retrieve data. The RetrieveAsync methode has a parameter called arguments of type object[]. How do I best use this parameter?

For example:

I'm trying to get all rows with a column that is smaller than 1000. How do i use the RetriveAsync methode to generate this sql:

"select * from table where column <= 1000;"

And how do i use this to add multiple arguments, to generate this:

"select * from table where column1 <= 1000 and column2 > 1000;"

The documentation doesn't really specify this.

Accepted Answer
Francisco Martinez @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 2 February 2023 15:42 PM UTC
  2. SnapDevelop
  3. # Permalink

Hi Aaron,


.NET DataStores are not used for executing queries. Their intended use is to represent a PowerBuilder DataStore. The usual use case is migrating PB DataWindows into C#, they're seldom created by hand.

If you want to execute straight queries I recommend you use the SQL Executor in the DataContext:

Here, TestModel is the C# object that will contain each one of the registers in the result.

.NET DataStore won't help you execute plain SQL queries.



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Logan Liu @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 3 February 2023 01:10 AM UTC
  2. SnapDevelop
  3. # 1

Hi Aaron,

Are you asking how to pass .NET DataStore retrieve argument when affected by cancellationToken?

RetrieveAsync(object[] arguments, CancellationToken cancellationToken);


If yes, you can use "new object[]{value1, value2, ...}" to pass in the values of the arguments.

await dataStore1.RetrieveAsync(new object[] { 1000, 1000}, cancellationToken);


Regards, Logan

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