1. Michael Kramer
  2. Beta Testing
  3. Wednesday, 15 January 2020 18:12 PM UTC

Does RibbonComboBoxItem have a GetItemByIndex( long index ) that is hiding under a different name?

I found to inspect current item list for a ComboBox I need to ExportToJSON; then parse that full JSON structure (or similar in XML). I would like to use a GetItem function if it exists.

THX /Michael

Mark Lee @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 16 January 2020 05:41 AM UTC
  2. Beta Testing
  3. # 1

Hi Michael,

The RibbonComboBoxItem don't have a GetItemByIndex (long index ) function.

You can use theTotalitions, SelectItem and Selectedindex function to work it around.

Please refer to the local PB Help documentation for details.

Here is a sample example:

RibbonComboBoxItem		lr_combobox
ribbonmenu					lr_menu
string 	ls_tag, ls_piclist
integer 	li_rtn
long		ll_count, ll_i

ls_tag = "Page size"
li_rtn = rbb_2.getitembytag( ls_tag, lr_combobox)
if li_rtn = 1 then
	if lr_combobox.allowedit  = true  then 
		lr_combobox.allowedit = false
		lr_combobox.label ="Mark Test:"	
		lr_combobox.text = ""						
		lr_combobox.sorted = false
		lr_combobox.vscrollbar =true
		lr_combobox.hscrollbar =true

		ls_piclist = lr_combobox.getboxpicturelist( )
		ll_count = lr_combobox.totalitems( )

		ll_count = lr_combobox.insertitem( "Large A2",ll_count+1, ll_count+1)						 
		ll_count = lr_combobox.insertitem( "Large A0",ll_count+1, ll_count+1)
		ll_count = lr_combobox.insertitem( "Large A1",ll_count+1, ll_count+1)
		ll_count = lr_combobox.insertitem( "Large A3",ll_count+1, ll_count+1)
		ll_count = lr_combobox.insertitem( "Large A4",ll_count+1, ll_count+1)		

		ls_piclist =ls_piclist+ ",PaperSizeA0Small!,PaperSizeA1Small!,PaperSizeA2Small!,PaperSizeA3Small!,PaperSizeA4Small!"
		li_rtn = lr_combobox.setboxpicturelist( ls_piclist )		

		lr_combobox.boxheight = 900		
		lr_combobox.boxwidth = 600
		lr_combobox.width = 1000
		lr_combobox.allowedit = true
		lr_combobox.label =""
		lr_combobox.text = "Test"		
		lr_combobox.sorted = true
		lr_combobox.vscrollbar =false
		lr_combobox.hscrollbar =false
		ll_count = lr_combobox.totalitems( )
		If ll_count  > 5 then 
			for ll_i = ll_count  to 6 step -1
				lr_combobox.deleteitem( ll_i)
			ls_piclist = "PaperSizeA0Small!,PaperSizeA1Small!,PaperSizeA2Small!,PaperSizeA3Small!,PaperSizeA4Small!"
			li_rtn = lr_combobox.setboxpicturelist( ls_piclist )
		end if 
		lr_combobox.boxheight = 600
		lr_combobox.boxwidth = 300
		lr_combobox.width = 400		
	end if 
	rbb_2.setcombobox(  lr_combobox.itemhandle , lr_combobox)
end if 



  1. Michael Kramer
  2. Thursday, 16 January 2020 06:43 AM UTC
Thx, Mark. Nice tip. I have choice.

(A) As you suggest: 1) GetBoxPictureList for pictures in CSV text. 2) Convert to array. 3) Loop to select each index; 4) Inspect ComboBox.Text = selected item's Text; 5) At end restore original selection.

(B) Alternative: 1) Export to JSON/XML; 2) Parse to find the ComboBox; 3) From ComboBox loop through all its items.
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