The return from SessionOpen is passed into LibraryEntryDelete and SessionClose as hORCASession. The xxx in the external functions is the PB version.
External function declarations:
Function long PBORCA_SessionOpen ( ) Library "pborcxxx.dll"
Function long PBORCA_LibraryEntryDelete ( long hORCASession, string lpszLibName, string lpszEntryName, integer otEntryType ) Library "pborcxxx.dll"
Subroutine PBORCA_SessionClose ( long hORCASession ) Library "pborcxxx.dll"
Instance variables:
// enum pborca_type
Constant Integer PBORCA_APPLICATION = 0
Constant Integer PBORCA_DATAWINDOW = 1
Constant Integer PBORCA_FUNCTION = 2
Constant Integer PBORCA_MENU = 3
Constant Integer PBORCA_QUERY = 4
Constant Integer PBORCA_STRUCTURE = 5
Constant Integer PBORCA_USEROBJECT = 6
Constant Integer PBORCA_WINDOW = 7
Constant Integer PBORCA_PIPELINE = 8
Constant Integer PBORCA_PROJECT = 9
Constant Integer PBORCA_PROXYOBJECT = 10
Constant Integer PBORCA_BINARY = 11
// error codes
Constant Long PBORCA_OK = 0 // Operation successful
Constant Long PBORCA_INVALIDPARMS = -1 // Invalid parameter list
Constant Long PBORCA_DUPOPERATION = -2 // Duplicate operation
Constant Long PBORCA_OBJNOTFOUND = -3 // Object not found
Constant Long PBORCA_BADLIBRARY = -4 // Bad library name
Constant Long PBORCA_LIBLISTNOTSET = -5 // Library list not set
Constant Long PBORCA_LIBNOTINLIST = -6 // Library not in lib list
Constant Long PBORCA_LIBIOERROR = -7 // Library I/O error
Constant Long PBORCA_OBJEXISTS = -8 // Object exists
Constant Long PBORCA_INVALIDNAME = -9 // Invalid name
Constant Long PBORCA_BUFFERTOOSMALL = -10 // Buffer size is too small
Constant Long PBORCA_COMPERROR = -11 // Compile error
Constant Long PBORCA_LINKERROR = -12 // Link error
Constant Long PBORCA_CURRAPPLNOTSET = -13 // Current appl not set
Constant Long PBORCA_OBJHASNOANCS = -14 // Object has no ancestors
Constant Long PBORCA_OBJHASNOREFS = -15 // Object has no references
Constant Long PBORCA_PBDCOUNTERROR = -16 // Invalid # of PBD's
Constant Long PBORCA_PBDCREATERROR = -17 // PBD create error
Constant Long PBORCA_CHECKOUTERROR = -18 // check out/in error
Constant Long PBORCA_CBCREATEERROR = -19 // component builder create error
Constant Long PBORCA_CBINITERROR = -20 // component builder init error
Constant Long PBORCA_CBBUILDERROR = -21 // component builder build error
Constant Long PBORCA_SCCFAILURE = -22 // Scc operation Failed
Constant Long PBORCA_REGREADERROR = -23 // Error reading Registry for Scc provider
Constant Long PBORCA_LOADDLLFAILED = -24 // LoadLibrary for Scc provider failed
Constant Long PBORCA_SCCINITFAILED = -25 // Scc Initialize failed
Constant Long PBORCA_OPENPROJFAILED = -26 // Scc Open Project failed
Constant Long PBORCA_TARGETNOTFOUND = -27 // Target File not found: %s
Constant Long PBORCA_TARGETREADERR = -28 // Unable to read Target File %s
Constant Long PBORCA_GETINTERFACEERROR = -29 // Unable to access required PowerBuilder interface
Constant Long PBORCA_IMPORTONLY_REQ = -30 // Scc connect offline requires IMPORTONLY refresh option
Constant Long PBORCA_GETCONNECT_REQ = -31 // Scc connect offline requires GetConnectProperties with Exclude_Checkout
Constant Long PBORCA_PBCFILE_REQ = -32 // Scc connect offline with Exclude_Checkout requires PKC file
Constant Long PBORCA_DBCSERROR = -33 // Locale setting error when convert unicode to ANSI_DBCS
ORCASAS = PBORCA_SessionOpen()
Look like the C:\Program Files (x86)\Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\PBORC125.DLL does not have proper license. Or what else could be the reason?