Hi Dhruv ;
Your PB App EXE is basically just a "Stub module" to first get the PBVM (PB runtime) started. Once those run time DLLs are loaded, they automatically check to see if a PB.INI is located in the same folder as your PB App EXE. If so, the PB.INI file is parsed and the PBVM is updated with those settings (if applicable).
Now your "PB IDE is not installed in the machine" message just means that the PBVM runtime DLLs cannot be located. Most likely because you forgot to deploy the <AppName>.XML file from the development machine's compile over to your deployment machine where your App EXE is located OR your <AppName>.XML file is pointing to a location of the PBVM (run time) that does not exist or is located in the wrong folder on your deployment machine than it is expecting. Of course, if you did not install the PBVM runtime altogether via the PB Packager MSI on the deployment machine, then of course, the "PB IDE is not installed in the machine" message would appear. HTH
Regards .. Chris
We are using PB2017, thats why there is no pb runtime installed in the machine.
Also in some of the machine our product is able to detect the pb.ini file after pasting in the same directory of exe file. But the machine who have server installed is not able to detect the file.
Yes, PB 2017 dies not have the smarts like PB 2021 / 2022 as I described above.
So the key would be to ...
1) still install the PB runtime via the MSI produced by the PB Packager utility.
2) Update the System Path on the deployment machine to point to where you installed the PBVM runtime.
3) Once the PBVM is located at your PB App start-up, it will then continue to locate & parse the PB.ini in the App EXE's folder.
Regards .. Chris