** The PowerBuilder IDE performs Push/Pull only to/from the branch Master with no declared enhancement on the product roadmap, yes?
If so, what is the workflow using a branch other than Master?
Please correct/refine the steps below...
- Clone from non-Master branch using the PowerBuilder IDE...or ONLY the Git client external to PowerBuilder?
- Pull from non-Master branch in the remote Git repository into your local Git repository ONLY using a Git client external to PowerBuilder
- "Refresh" to pull classes from your local Git repository into your PBLs
- Modify classes within the PowerBuilder IDE
- "Commit" modifications from the PBLs/Workspace to the local Git repository
- Push the modifications up to the remote Git repository ONLY using a Git client external to the PowerBuilder IDE
Thank you.
That's nicely detailed over in that thread.
Is branching support within the IDE one of the items considered for the next iteration of the roadmap?