HI John Fauss,
I have tried 2 ways as follows, kindly advise
1. After download the PFC 2022 i have compared the object pfc_n_cst_filesrvunocode and its not show diff other than some private and public functions i have imported the object but not resolving the issue
2. I have tried some changes on the existing object itself
From old
Function long FindFirstFileW (ref string filename, ref os_finddata findfiledata) library "KERNEL32.DLL"
to New 1
Function longptr FindFirstFileW (ref string filename, ref os_finddata findfiledata) library "KERNEL32.DLL"
to new2
Function longlong FindFirstFileW (ref string filename, ref os_finddata findfiledata) library "KERNEL32.DLL"
I have modified the datatype of the handle from long to longlong/longptr
It seems to be working fine.
Thank you.
Thank you.