1. Bernhard Stoeter
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Saturday, 7 December 2024 11:13 AM UTC

PowerBuilder PB2022R3 3356, Windows 10 and Window 11


I want to execute jscript code with a window. I tried to use the webrowser (WebView2) EvaluateJavaScriptSync() function:

integer		li_rc
string		ls_Result, ls_ErrorMsg
webbrowser	lwb_Object

OpenUserObject( ref lwb_Object )
lwb_Object.Visible = FALSE

// without the MessageBox EvaluateJavaScriptSync(...) returns:
// 	-2 Failed to initialize the control and obtain the WebBrowser object. The WebView2 is invalid. 
// with the MessageBox EvaluateJavaScriptSync(...) returns:
// 	1 und ls_Result is the expected »{"type":"string","value":"lv PowerBuilder"}«
//MessageBox( "", "Continue?" )		// then it works

li_rc = lwb_Object.EvaluateJavaScriptSync( "'lv PowerBuilder';", ref ls_Result, ref ls_ErrorMsg )

CloseUserObject( lwb_Object )
destroy lwb_Object

Why is the call to MessageBox necessary to successfully execute EvaluateJavaScriptSync()? Is there a way to avoid the call to MessageBox or what can I do instead of calling it?
Of course, I can place an invisible webbrowser control on the window. But what is the effect of the call to MessageBox?

Thanks in advence,

Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Saturday, 7 December 2024 14:06 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Hi Bernhard;

  After the OpenUserObject, try using a Yield() command just  before using the Evaluating() command in order to give the control time to initialize properly.  HTH 

Regards ... Chris 

  1. Bernhard Stoeter
  2. Wednesday, 11 December 2024 06:48 AM UTC
Hi Chris,

I take an instance wb, open it in window.open() and close itin window.close().

I was only wondering why me first approach did not work.

Regards Bernhard
  1. Helpful
  1. Kai Zhao @Appeon
  2. Wednesday, 11 December 2024 08:31 AM UTC
This is probably because the web page has not finished loading yet. Please move the code to the navigationcompleted event of WebBrowser control.
  1. Helpful 1
  1. Chris Pollach @Appeon
  2. Wednesday, 11 December 2024 12:56 PM UTC
Hi Bernhard;

If Kai's suggestion does not work, then please open a support ticket for the OpenUserObject approach

Regards ... Chris
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