Hello All,
Need help calling a Webservice
I have this endpoint
i can create the proxy object with no problem
when i call any method in the WS it fails with the message:
no se puede reflejar el método reporteempresatipob
this is the method definition
reporteempresatipob ( long xitipopassword, boolean xitipopasswordspecified, longlong xlafiliado, boolean xlafiliadospecified, longlong xlpersona, boolean xlpersonaspecified, string xscontrasenia, string xsip, string xsruc, string xsusuario, ref byte lopdf[] ) returns string
i added the line to generate the log file and it is empty
any way i can trace the root of the problem
Can it be cause bye the ref byte lopdf[]
there are many .NET and Java application calling it with no problems.,
i´m checking the WS development team if they use reflexión and overloading.