Actually i solved it with a class model container which contains my model object and the additional information i need as properties (those will be automatically added to my Json):
public abstract class JsonBaseFormatter
public bool Success { get; set; } = true;
public int Duration { get; set; }
public class JsonFormatter<T> : JsonBaseFormatter
public T Data { get; set; }
public JsonFormatter(T data)
Data = data;
Then in my controller i used this class container in the HttpGet retreive method:
[ProducesResponseType(typeof(Ds_Invit_Sydrtcml), StatusCodes.Status200OK)]
public ActionResult<JsonFormatter<Ds_Invit_Sydrtcml>> RetrieveOne(string cd_drt_cml)
var model = _ids_invit_sydrtcmlservice.RetrieveOne(cd_drt_cml);
if (model == null)
return NotFound();
var response = new JsonFormatter<Ds_Invit_Sydrtcml>(model);
return new ActionResult<JsonFormatter<Ds_Invit_Sydrtcml>>(response);
And then the beauty of it, I created an ActionFilter that is called automatically when http requests are sent or received by the controller:
public class ResponseTimeActionFilter : IActionFilter
private const string ResponseTimeKey = "ResponseTimeKey";
public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
// Start the timer
context.HttpContext.Items[ResponseTimeKey] = Stopwatch.StartNew();
public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)
var res = context.Result as ObjectResult;
if (res != null)
Stopwatch stopwatch = (Stopwatch)context.HttpContext.Items[ResponseTimeKey];
// Calculate the time elapsed
var timeElapsed = stopwatch.Elapsed;
var success = context.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode == StatusCodes.Status200OK;
var json = ((ObjectResult)context.Result).Value as JsonBaseFormatter;
if (json != null)
json.Success = success;
json.Duration = timeElapsed.Milliseconds;
To make the filter works you have to register it in the Startup->ConfigureService method: services.AddScoped<ResponseTimeActionFilter>();
And also decorate your controller so that it automatically calls the filter at each http request operation: [ServiceFilter(typeof(ResponseTimeActionFilter))]
all infos about how filters work here
The request result can be found in attachment.