We create dynamic dw, passing required sql statements, using SyntaxFromSQL. The issue is whenever there are two or more tables involved (Join), we get the table name prefixed to the columns of the field. We don't want this prefix.
Is there any way, not to add this prefix (table names) from the resultant dw ?
Happiness Always
BKR Sivaprakash
GetSQLSelect doesn't return with table name prefixed. It returns the same sql which we used to create the dw. Sample
s_sql = " Select '' as hand, b.accountnumber as accountnumber, b.accountsubname as accountsubname , "
ls_sql += " a.billbranchname as billbranchname, a.accountnamesubbranchpk as accountnamesubbranchpk"
ls_sql += " From gl_account_name_sub_branch a "
ls_sql += " Join gl_account_name_sub b "
ls_sql += " On b.accountnamesubpk = a.accountnamesubfk "
Issue is when I retrieve the field list with
ls_object_name = dw_list.Describe("datawindow.objects")
With the Describe commands and parsing the result, what we get is the fieldname prefixed with tablename.