We have a datawindow field which allows the user to edit. When the user clicks on the field and does a rightmouse click a menu appears - see the attachment. We cannot find any code or attribute settings which trigger this. How can we duplicate this?
Thank you,
Anne O'Dell
1) The current window's menu has the same RMB short-cut as the DW. This would steal the DWO's RMB default pop-up processing behaviour
2) The DW Control has a User Event mapped that is mapped to the RMB event of the DW control and thus stealing the default RMB pop-up menu processing behaviour
3) The DW Control has code in the OTHER Event that is stealing the RMB event away from the DW control and thus canceling the default pop-up menu processing behaviour
4) The same as #2 & #3 but at the parent Window level that has code in either of those events that is stealing the RMB event away from the DW control thus, canceling the default DC's pop-up menu processing behaviour
5) The same as #2 & #3 but at the parent control (ie: TabPage or Tab control) level that has code in either of those events that is stealing the RMB event processing away from the DW control thus, canceling the default DC's pop-up menu processing behaviour.
Regards ... Chris