Hi, Chris
String ls_filename, as_filename, ls_path, ls_appeon_path
//ls_filename = "file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/p2023121301_test.PDF"
ls_path = getcurrentdirectory()
ls_appeon_path = appeongetcachedir()
//messagebox('ls_path', ls_path)
//messagebox('ls_appeon_path', ls_appeon_path)
// ls_path = null
// ls_appeon_path = /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.cnssolution.badam/files/App_running$
//ls_filename = ls_appen_path + '/p2023121301_test.PDF'
//ls_filename = "file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/p2023121301_test.PDF"
ls_filename = "/storage/emulated/0/Download/p2023121301_test.PDF"
as_filename = ls_filename
dw_3.saveas(as_filename, PDF!,true)
I tested with the above source code and no error occurred, but the p2023121301_test.PDF file is not created in the /storage/emulated/0/Download/ folder.
ls_appeon_path = appeongetcachedir()
When I check this, /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.cnssolution.badam/files/App_running$ appears as /storage/emulated/0/Download/ on my phone.
I'm trying to create a folder with the name p2023121301_test.PDF.
What part is wrong?
thank you
1. Create DW_3 as a PDF file on your mobile device
I tried to create something that moves to the /plugin/ -> /0/Download folder.
In the above part, appeongetcachedir() + "/plugin/" creates an aa.pdf file, and even saves the aa.pdf file using lnv_file.of_appeonupload. But again, through the lnv_file.of_appeondownload (ls_appeon_server_full_filename, ls_download_path) function,
I asked a question because I couldn't receive /0/Download/aa.pdf, but Benjamin Daniels sent me a sample by email, so I tested it again.
However, this sample all works well, but the file attachment does not work, so I posted a question.
To sum it up (I just need to be able to receive the PDF on my phone or send it by email)
1. Uploader of PDF file to server is successful
The download function that can be opened on the phone fails.
2. Other parts of the email sending function work, but the function to attach a file in the appeongetcachedir() + "/plugin/" aa.pdf folder to the email has failed.
thank you
I have no problem with any function.
Thank you so much for your help.
It's frustrating that neither Korea's Pentasoft nor any of its engineers have any experience with APPEON Mobile.
Regsrds, Jungi
1) did you try to use gmail app on mobile to send email and see if pdf attachment works ?
2) try the run command as per Kai Zhao comment below (download pdf from webserver and email)