1. mathews rutto
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. Tuesday, 7 April 2020 12:09 PM UTC


I need help when displaying the json response from http://www.mocky.io/v2/5d2810152c000072003ed79e

in a datawindow.

I will really appreciate your help.

Thank you in advance

Accepted Answer
mathews rutto Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Sunday, 12 April 2020 13:31 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # Permalink


Here is the complete code that i have used.

HTTPClient http
http = CREATE HTTPClient        
li_rc = http.SendRequest("GET", "http://www.mocky.io/v2/5d2810152c000072003ed79e")
if (li_rc = 1 and http.GetResponseStatusCode() = 200) then //Succeeded
    ll_RowCount = tab_api.tabpage_more.dw_response.ImportJsonByKey(ls_response, ls_Error, Primary!)

     //Checks if any warning
     If len(ls_Error) > 0 Then
        MessageBox("Warning", "With warning information:~r~n" + ls_Error)
        JSONParser json
        json = CREATE JSONParser
        ls_Json = ls_response
        ls_result = json.LoadString (ls_Json)
        ll_root = json.GetRootItem()            
        ll_claims = json.GetItemArray(ll_root, 'claims')            
        ll_cnt_claims = json.GetChildCount(ll_claims)
        For i = 1 to ll_cnt_claims
            ll_index_claims = json.GetChildItem(ll_claims, i)    
            ll_provider = long(json.GetItemString(ll_index_claims, "payer_prov_code"))
            ls_member_no = json.GetItemString(ll_index_claims, "member_number")
            ll_claim_id = json.GetItemnumber(ll_index_claims, "claim_id")
            lc_amount = json.GetItemnumber(ll_index_claims, "amount")
            lc_gross_amount = json.GetItemnumber(ll_index_claims, "gross_amount")  
            ls_visit_number = json.GetItemString(ll_index_claims, "visit_number")  
            dt_invoice_date = datetime(json.GetItemString(ll_index_claims, "visit_start"))
            ld_invoice_date = date(dt_invoice_date)

            end if
            ll_invoices = json.GetItemArray(ll_index_claims, 'invoices')
            ll_cnt_invoices = json.GetChildCount(ll_invoices)
            for ll_inv = 1 to ll_cnt_invoices
                ll_index_invoices = json.GetChildItem(ll_invoices, ll_inv)
                ll_invoice_id = json.GetItemNumber(ll_index_invoices, "invoice_id")
                ll_bene_id = long(json.GetItemString(ll_index_invoices, "payer_benefit_code"))
                lc_inv_amount = json.GetItemNumber(ll_index_invoices, "amount")
                lc_inv_gross_amount = json.GetItemNumber(ll_index_invoices, "gross_amount")
                ls_invoice_no = json.GetItemString(ll_index_invoices, "invoice_number")
                //Invoices line items
                ll_line_items = json.GetItemArray(ll_index_invoices, 'line_items')
                ll_cnt_line_items = json.GetChildCount(ll_line_items)
                for ll_items = 1 to ll_cnt_line_items
                    ll_index_line_items = json.GetChildItem(ll_line_items, ll_items)
                    ll_items_id = json.GetItemNumber(ll_index_line_items, "item_id")
                    ls_item_name = json.GetItemString(ll_index_line_items, "prov_item_name")
                    ls_service_group = json.GetItemString(ll_index_line_items, "service_group")
                    ll_quantity = json.GetItemNumber(ll_index_line_items, "quantity")
                    lc_unit_price = json.GetItemNumber(ll_index_line_items, "unit_price")
                    lc_amount = json.GetItemNumber(ll_index_line_items, "amount")
                    dt_charge_date = datetime(json.GetItemString(ll_index_line_items, "charge_date"))

            ll_diagnosis = json.GetItemArray(ll_index_claims, 'diagnosis')
            ll_cnt_diagnosis = json.GetChildCount(ll_diagnosis)
            for ll_diag = 1 to ll_cnt_diagnosis
                ll_index_diagnosis = json.GetChildItem(ll_diagnosis, ll_diag)
                ll_diag_id = json.GetItemNumber(ll_index_diagnosis, "id")
                ls_coding_standard = json.GetItemString(ll_index_diagnosis, "coding_standard")
                ls_diag_name = json.GetItemString(ll_index_diagnosis, "name")
                ls_diag_code = json.GetItemString(ll_index_diagnosis, "code")
            ll_preauth = json.GetItemArray(ll_index_claims, 'preauth')
            ll_cnt_preauth = json.GetChildCount(ll_preauth)
            for ll_pre_auth = 1 to ll_cnt_preauth
                ll_index_preauth = json.GetChildItem(ll_preauth, ll_pre_auth)
                ll_preauth_id = json.GetItemNumber(ll_index_preauth, "id")
                ls_preauth_code = json.GetItemString(ll_index_preauth, "code")
                lc_pre_amount = json.GetItemNumber(ll_index_preauth, "amount")
                ls_authorized_by = json.GetItemString(ll_index_preauth, "authorized_by")
                ls_notes = json.GetItemString(ll_index_preauth, "message")
                ldt_preauth_date = datetime(json.GetItemString(ll_index_preauth, "insert_time"))
            ll_admissions = json.GetItemArray(ll_index_claims, 'admissions')
            ll_cnt_admissions = json.GetChildCount(ll_admissions)
            for ll_admissions_id = 1 to ll_cnt_admissions
                ll_index_admissions = json.GetChildItem(ll_admissions, ll_admissions_id)
                ll_admit_id = json.GetItemNumber(ll_index_admissions, "id")
                ld_admit_date = date(json.GetItemString(ll_index_admissions, "admit_date"))
                ld_discharge_date = date(json.GetItemString(ll_index_admissions, "discharge_date"))
                ls_discharge_summary = json.GetItemString(ll_index_admissions, "discharge_summary")
                ldt_admissions_date = datetime(json.GetItemString(ll_index_admissions, "insert_time")
     End If
end if

  1. Armeen Mazda @Appeon
  2. Sunday, 12 April 2020 14:09 PM UTC
Thanks for sharing the solution!
  1. Helpful
  1. mathews rutto
  2. Sunday, 12 April 2020 14:16 PM UTC
Its okay thank you too
  1. Helpful
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mathews rutto Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Friday, 10 April 2020 09:32 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 1

Hello Thank you all for your feedback,

I have used JSONParser to extract the JSON data and then populate that into a Datawindow.

I will post my code how if handle it.

Lastly under attachments, how can i handle the image, should i convert to based64bit or how should i handle. That is the only part i am left with.

  1. mike S
  2. Friday, 10 April 2020 14:01 PM UTC
Yes, if you have an image or any other blob as part of the json, it is been converted to base64 (string). So you need to convert it back to binary and then save it to a file if you want to display.
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Kevin Ridley Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Thursday, 9 April 2020 14:51 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 2

It wouldn't be hard at all to put this into a dw (or probably a better solution would be multiple dws).  I'd probably separate the top level "fixed" data into a dw to look like a header, then put the invoices and items into a treeview dw section by section, then have a separate dw, maybe in it's own tab to display the diagnosis, preauth and admission data.  If there's attachments, you'd obviously have to process those separately.  As mentioned by others, you can use the JSONParser/JSONPackage objects to pull out each section.  Let me know if you need help with a POC.



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Chris Pollach @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 8 April 2020 16:55 PM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 3

Hi Mathews;

  I had a look at the JSON being returned and this is considered too "complex" for a DWO to handle. Instead, have a look at the JSONParser object class and it's methods in order to be able to extract the JSON data and then populate that into a DWO with some PowerScript help on your part.

Regards ... Chris

  1. mathews rutto
  2. Thursday, 9 April 2020 04:19 AM UTC
Thank you, let me look at JSONParser
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Ken Guo @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 8 April 2020 08:10 AM UTC
  2. PowerBuilder
  3. # 4

Hi Mathews


The JSON data you provided includes multiple levels of Array data, it doesn’t support being imported to DataWindow directly. Thus you need to read the JSON data one by one and then fill them into the DataWindow via the JsonParse object.


You can refer to examples in the links below for how to use the JsonParse object.








  1. mathews rutto
  2. Thursday, 9 April 2020 04:20 AM UTC
Thank you,

from the examples given i think it will work out, let me try.
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