Hi Michal,
tricky point in your case is you cannot use
dw_1.getItemString(row, 'symbol')
because 'X' is the *displayed value* instead of the *data value*.
So, you need to use the Evaluate + LookupDisplay functions.
Put code below in the dataWindow rowfocuschanged event, so you trigger the filter only for the selected row:
datawindowChild ldwc
String displayedValue
dw_1.getChild('method', ldwc)
displayedValue = dw_1.Describe("Evaluate('LookupDisplay(symbol)', " + String(currentrow) + ")")
ldwc.setFilter("symbol_column = '" + displayedValue + "'")
Note that "symbol_column" is column in 1st DDDW where you have symbol's values.
In short, use GetChild() to get a reference to a DDDW, and use LookupDisplay() to capture displayed values instead of data values.
First - BIG thanks to You :) im close but i get an error
database transaction information not available,
call settrans or settransobject funciton.
but i'm calling it :o
and now DW is filtering, but displayed column changed, now i see ID not f.e. met_1