Hi, Friends
My DBMS is SQLServer 2008 on Windows 10 64 bits; When I compile in platform 32 bits ; the app connect.I use pfc libraries
But in 64 bits appears "DBMS OLEDB is not supported in current installation "
Hi, Friends
My DBMS is SQLServer 2008 on Windows 10 64 bits; When I compile in platform 32 bits ; the app connect.I use pfc libraries
But in 64 bits appears "DBMS OLEDB is not supported in current installation "
Yes, you are correct and the Appeon PB 2017 GA release did not provide the 64bit version of the OLE-DB interface driver either. This was documented in the GA release notes come to think of it.
I just looked in my R3 PB 64 library folder and the OLE-DB driver DLL is definitely not there. I'll ping Engineering over the weekend and see if this might be addressed in PB2018. I'll post back ASAP when I get a definitive answer.
In the mean-time, I would suggest entertaining switching to another DB client like native, ADO.net, ODBC, etc until Appeon addresses this issue with a definitive answer.
Regards ... Chris
Sadly, it's still missing from PB2019. AFAIK at this time, the 64bit OLE-DB driver is on the feature list for PB2019 R3.
Regards ... Chris