I have a datawindow which worked fine in PB12.6, but is missing data after retrieve in PB2019r2.
retrieve: dw_data.retrieve(lnDstid, lnJmtFrom, lnJmtTarget, lnTimeTarget, lnTimePrefix) => result = some data is missing
if i get the sql-select like dw_data.Object.DataWindow.Table.Select and replace all retrieve parameter with their corresponding value => it work as it should.
It seems the dw has a problem to set the values for the retrieve parameter. I checked the values just before the retrieve line and they are ok.
i am using PB2019r2 build 2353, win10, mysql8, mysql8odbc.
here is the sql select for the dw:
retrieve="SELECT tm.id, tm.dstid1, tm.prsid1, CONCAT(pers.fnam, IFNULL(CONCAT(' ', pers.vnam), ''), ' (', IFNULL(pers.dnno, ''), ')') as cName, dpbr.id, dpbr.kbez as cBereich, IFNULL(dpbr.nType, -1) as dpbr_nType, pers.dnno as nPersNo,
v_att.nYMD as jhrmnttag, v_att.tsEvent as tsEvent, IFNULL(v_att.nType, -1) as v_att_nType,
v_dtl.jhrmnttag, v_dtl.dattm, v_dtl.btm, v_dtl.etm, v_dtl.dtlstd
FROM dptl_tdpmn as tm
INNER JOIN dptg_personal as pers ON tm.prsid1 = pers.id
INNER JOIN dptl_persmn ON tm.dstid1 = dptl_persmn.dstid1 and tm.prsid1 = dptl_persmn.prsid1
(SELECT t_tdpdtl.dstid1, t_tdpdtl.prsid1, t_tdpdtl.jhrmnttag, TIMESTAMP(t_tdpdtl.jhrmnttag, CONCAT(TRUNCATE(t_tdpdtl.btm/60, 0), ':', MOD(t_tdpdtl.btm,60), ':00')) as dattm, t_tdpdtl.btm, t_tdpdtl.etm, t_tdpdtl.dtlstd, t_tdpdtl.dpbrid1
FROM dptl_tdpdtl as t_tdpdtl
WHERE t_tdpdtl.dstid1 = :anDstid and
t_tdpdtl.jhrmnttag = :anJmtTarget and
t_tdpdtl.btm <= :anTimeTarget and
t_tdpdtl.etm >= :anTimeTarget
) as v_dtl ON tm.dstid1 = v_dtl.dstid1 and tm.prsid1 = v_dtl.prsid1 and tm.jhrmnttag = v_dtl.jhrmnttag
dptl_dpbr as dpbr ON v_dtl.dpbrid1 = dpbr.id
(SELECT t_attend.nDstid1, t_attend.nPrsid1, t_attend.nPersNo, t_attend.nYMD, :anJmtTarget as jmttarget, t_attend.tsEvent, t_attend.nType
FROM dptl_attendance as t_attend
WHERE (t_attend.nDstid1 = :anDstid) and
(t_attend.nPrsid1 > 0) and
(t_attend.nYMD between :anJmtFrom and :anJmtTarget) and
(t_attend.tsEvent = (select max(a.tsEvent) as dattm FROM dptl_attendance as a
WHERE a.nDstid1 = t_attend.nDstid1 and a.nPrsid1 = t_attend.nPrsid1
and a.nYMD between :anJmtFrom and :anJmtTarget
and a.tsEvent <= TIMESTAMP(:anJmtTarget, CONCAT(TRUNCATE(:anTimeTarget/60, 0), ':', MOD(:anTimeTarget,60), ':00'))
) as v_att ON tm.dstid1 = v_att.nDstid1 and tm.prsid1 = v_att.nPrsid1 and tm.jhrmnttag = v_att.jmttarget
WHERE tm.dstid1 = :anDstid and
tm.jhrmnttag = :anJmtTarget
" arguments=(("anDstid", decimal),("anJmtFrom", number),("anJmtTarget", number),("anTimeTarget", number),("anTimePrefix", number)) sort="tsevent A personal_npersno A " )
Does anybody know if this is a bug or is there something i overlooked?
You could also do a debug in the sqlpreview event and see if that gives you any clue on what's wrong with the SQL Select statement.
Another thing you could try, is to on tracing in the sqlca.dbms parameter.
Thanks for your help