Using Powerbuilder 2022 b1900, Postgresql 15
Have a computer column in a datawindow, defined as cast(null as date) as expiry along with few database columns.
1. EditMask of the expiry column set to MM/yyyy
2. Format of the expiry column set to MM/yyyy
While working from PB IDE, [ click Run icon in PB IDE], no issues. It tabs out to the next column.
While working from the EXE, control doesn't move out of the expiry column.
I Put a messagebox in ItemChanged Event
Messagebox('expiry', String(data)) -> I got '01/10/2022' when run from IDE
-> Control doesn't move out of that field, no itemchanged triggered, no messagebox
How to correct this issue?
Happiness Always
BKR Sivaprakash
From Exe: 2022-10-00
From PB IDE: 2022-10-01
2. If I remove the edit mask,
entering the full date works fine eg. 10/06/2023
3. Does the field have the "required" property set? NO
From the above details, it's clear that the date part taken is wrong while running from Exe.
Any workarounds?
Obviously, this is a bug that might have been reported already or not ?
Don't know why the partial editmask is working in PB 10.5, PB 11.5 and not in PB 2022.