I am using Power Builder 2017 R3 Build 1880,
I have added a Edit column on FreeForm datawindow and entered multiple lines using EnterKey for next line,
Same data has been stored in SQL table - Varchar column, when i retrieve the same data and click on that field then it has been displayed as shown below, as expected
If same Varchar column populated via another application (vb.net) i.e., entered multiple lines using EnterKey for next line, then retrieve from PB-datawindow and without click on that field then data has been displayed as expected below,
where as, as soon as click on Note column then data has been displayed in a single line as below, this is problem for us,
Note: This problem has not been identified when data saved and retrieved from PB-datawindow itself, problem occurred ONLY when data saved in vb.net and retrieved in PB-datawindow.
Also, i have checked the data format which has saved in SQL is same from both PB-datawindow and vb.net applicaiton,
Kindly revert for your suggestion,
In powerbuilder a return is counted as 2 characters long. In VB probably only one.
What if you do "something similar to this":
select top 2, count(1), max(reqn_note) from reqn
where reqn_note like '%' + chr(13) + chr(10) + '%'
having count(1) > 0;
So trying to find the rows with at least one CRLF in it. (There's probably better ways of doing that).
I'm not sure which database you are using (seems like SQL Server?)
Thanks again for your inputs,
Char(10) [Line Feed] character has been saved in SQL column for new line when data comes from VB.NET, where as Char(13) [Carriage Return] + Char(10) [Line Feed] characters have been saved in SQL column for new line when comes from PB.
So, I have used logic to identify the Char(10) [Line Feed] character then replaced as Char(13) [Carriage Return] + Char(10) [Line Feed] characters when saving the data in SQL column for VB.NET, which resolved this problem.