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  1. william yau
  2. PowerScript Migrator
  3. Monday, 13 July 2020 02:36 AM UTC



My boss requested me to convert all powerscript to C#, java... something like that. 

Appeon sales send me a copy of Quoation for powerbuilder 2019 r2 cloud version. After I read Appeon websit source

it seem powerbuilder 2019 r2 cloud version not enough to do my purpose.  is need to buy Rapidsharp bundle or more

feathers . Could you advise me how many bundle need to buy 


have a nice day




Armeen Mazda @Appeon Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Monday, 13 July 2020 03:18 AM UTC
  2. PowerScript Migrator
  3. # 1

Hi William,

If I understood correctly, your boss wants to migrate away from PowerBuilder.  If yes, then you won't need the PB IDE anymore and you should get the RapidSharp bundle. 

The bundle includes everything you need, including the source code of the C# libraries (e.g. DataWindow libraries).  The libraries are perpetual license so you don't have to keep renewing the subscription every year. 

Please contact to get more info and/or check out this page:

Best regards,

  1. william yau
  2. Monday, 13 July 2020 03:35 AM UTC

thanks for your reply. I would like to know PowerBuilder 2019 r2 cloud pro includes RapidSharp bundle. I need send

a budget for boss approval.

best regards

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  1. Armeen Mazda @Appeon
  2. Monday, 13 July 2020 03:53 AM UTC
No, it does not. Please contact to get a quote.
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Olan Knight Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Tuesday, 14 July 2020 15:32 PM UTC
  2. PowerScript Migrator
  3. # 2

William -

   I do hope you have looked at the statistics regarding projects that have attempted to move away from PowerBuilder to Java: the failure rate is enormous! If possible, it's better to add on to existing, working code than it is to attempt to rewrite the entire thing.

   It is also better to user other tools as a supplement to the basic cPowerBuilder code. For example, we all know that PowerBuilder is terrible at batch processing, so in our shop we developed a package in Java specifically to handle the batch processing we required. We call it with the RUN command where the command string includes all of the parameters required. We use the time event to check to see if the Java code is still  active, and when it completes we trigger the of_finish_up() PowerBuilder function to complete the required processing.

   One last thing: it is our job as developers to decide what is smart and what is NOT smart, and to relay that information to the boss. Remember, it's the job of the boss to tell you WHAT he wants, and it's your job to determine HOW that get's done.



  1. Armeen Mazda @Appeon
  2. Tuesday, 14 July 2020 15:41 PM UTC
Adding to what Olan said, if you absolutely must migrate away from PowerBuilder, the approach we provide has far higher chance of success than a rewrite because our approach is to "port" the code. In other words, the resulting C# code works essentially the same way and even looks a lot like PowerBuilder because it is centered around the DataWindow object. DataWindow objects are converted to standard POCO models so there is no dependency on any particular tool or vendor lock-in (to Appeon).
  1. Helpful
  1. william yau
  2. Wednesday, 15 July 2020 00:58 AM UTC
Hi Olan Knight

Do you suggest me to migrate powerbuilder script to C# code. I saw the statistics for migrating C# more thane 90%

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  1. Olan Knight
  2. Wednesday, 15 July 2020 16:17 PM UTC
#1. My top advice is to NOT migrate from PowerBuilder, but to add onto the existing code using whatever tools are appropriate. Create add-on code in Java for batch processing, as an example. You can use PB Universal to get web and mobile exes from your current code base as example #2.

#2. See if there is a reason the boss says to migrate away from PB. If it makes sense then do so. If it does NOT make any sense, for example if he's been blinded with bullsh*t from articles touting <whatever tool is the current favorite of journal writers>, then try to talk him out of this very poorchoice.

#3. If you MUST migrate away from PowerBuilder, use the tools and help that APPEON can provide. It will inicrease the odds of a successful migration SIGNIFICANTLY because they know what to do and how to do it. The money spent on Appeon will more than offset the money spent on you and your team trying to accomplish the migration on your own. The statistics prove this conclusively.

#4. If you MUST migrate away from PB on your own....good luck. There are several companies that promote tools with which to do so, but I've never heard of, read of, or seen any that lived up to their claims.

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Ricardo Jasso Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
  1. Wednesday, 15 July 2020 01:44 AM UTC
  2. PowerScript Migrator
  3. # 3


To help you with your requirement it would help us if you could provide more information about your current application and your conversion goals. For example, how big is the application you need to convert? How many DataWindows does it have? Is business logic partitioned or embedded in visual objects like windows and DataWindows controls? Do you need to convert your application from client/server to web? Or do you just need to migrate database and/or business logic to Web APIs and keep the native Windows application? Or both? Migrate to .NET or Java?




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