Bom dia! Quando tento converter o PB 2017 para 2019 e executo em uma máquina, dá a seguinte mensagem de erro: GetTimeZoneInformationForYear na dll Kernel32.dll. Como devo proceder? Por favor.
Good Morning! When I try to convert PB 2017 to 2019 and run it on a machine, it gives the following error message: GetTimeZoneInformationForYear in the Kernel32.dll dll. How should I proceed? Please.
1) the link is working OK for me ...
2) The "pbthemes190.dll and pbjson190.dll" are located in our PB2019 installs "Shared" folder.
3) PB2019R2 is still a "BETA" and *not* designed for production
Regards ... Chris