Hi James;
Along with the RTF approach in your original post, I have implemented ...
1) RTE using "targeted" RTF files
2) Word document => PDF and then call that
3) Michael's ShowHelp ( ) approach
4) HTML files
Note: For #2 and #4, I store these files on a Web Server and then use, for example ...
String ls_help String ls_language ns_internet_master lo_inet lo_inet = CREATE ns_internet_master ls_help = THIS.of_get_appl_url ( ) ls_help += "Help/" ls_help += THIS.of_get_appl_help_file ( ) ls_language = "_" + THIS.of_get_language ( ) ls_help = fn_replace_all (ls_help, "_x", ls_language ) ii_rc = lo_inet.hyperlinktourl ( ls_help ) Destroy lo_inet |
Note1: In the above code that I am using "ns_internet_master" which is a descendant of the iNet class.
Note2: The Help files are always located in the App's URL on the web server in a "Help" sub-folder
Note3: The help file name is always "<AppHelpName>" plus "_" plus a language identifier which makes the help files multi-lingual (HTML or PDF)
Note4: The "hyperlinktourl" methods does all the "heavy lifting" and opens the user's default browser to display.
Tip: In PB2019R2, you will now have a new Web Browser control. You could replace the "hyperlinktourl" with just placing the qualified URL into the new Web Browser control directly. Food for thought.
Regards ... Chris